Payment - Unable to make a payment
Occasionally a payment will fail and your order will not complete. There are a number of things that could have caused this. Please read through the different topics below to find out more.
Do your details match?
Please ensure your payment, billing and Green Man Gaming account details are correct, complete and match. Fill in your address details completely and use your current address as it is registered with your payment provider. Any inconsistencies can cause a payment to fail. You must fill in your name and address details and all other customer fields presented to you during checkout to ensure you are able to pay without issue. Using your payment details on multiple Green Man Gaming accounts is against our Terms and Conditions and will result in failed payments.
Is your bank blocking your transaction?
It is possible that your bank refuses the payment to Green Man Gaming. Please contact your bank or PayPal and ensure they are allowing payments to Green Man Gaming. If payments still fail once you have confirmed with your payment provider that they are enabling payments to Green Man Gaming, please contact our Customer Services team and we will be happy to look into this further.
Are you using a proxy or VPN?
Proxies and VPNs are commonplace, however using them when trying to purchase products on the internet will often result in failed payments due to the inconsistencies they cause in your details. Please ensure your PC is not coming to Green Man Gaming from behind a proxy or via a VPN when you place your order. Our Terms and Conditions also state that the use of proxys and VPNs will result in the loss of the purchase and you will not be eligible for a refund.
What internet browser are you using?
Our shop is optimised for Chrome. Please make sure you use Chrome at all times, when placing an order. Please also ensure that all settings are set to default, Flash and Javascript must be enabled.
Oops, we cannot compute! - Are you seeing this error message?
If you see this error on an attempted payment, please re-enter your payment details carefully, as it is likely a mistake has been made on entry, and try again. If you continue to have a problem on the second attempt, please log a support ticket and we'll look into the issue further. Do not continue to attempt to order with the same payment method without contacting Customer Services.
Paid but no order confirmation email received?
If you have not received an order confirmation email and your purchase / game does not appear in the games section of your Green Man Gaming account, it is very likely that we also have not taken payment and your order has failed to complete. If your payment method was a debit/credit card, there may be a temporary authorisation on your card for the funds you intended to pay to us, however when an order fails we cancel this authorisation and as soon as your bank processes this cancellation, the hold on the funds is lifted. Green Man Gaming will not capture those funds.
What payment methods can I use?
Please see this article for a list of our accepted payment methods.
If you are still experiencing issues when trying to pay, and none of the aforementioned tips resolve your issue, please do not hesitate to contact Customer Service and we will look into this further for you.